On 5 Apr 2004, at 02:52, Simon Kitching wrote:


What I'm proposing is not to change the Rule class [whose default
body(namespace,name,text) method delegates to the deprecated body(text)

What I'm proposing is to fix classes like CallMethodRule and
CallParamRule which override the deprecated version, to make them
override the "proper" version instead.

This should save an extra method call (the undeprecated->deprecated
forward in Rule) + make CallParamRule etc compile without deprecation
warnings + make sure that people copying-and-pasting from Digester rule
source don't end up using the deprecated versions.

In binary-compatibility terms, any user class subclassing Rule will be
ok, because that class will not change. I *think* that this is in fact a
100% binary-compatible change, but would not bet on it as this isn't a
topic I know much about.

(i hope the following explains things a little better)

(unsurprisingly;) craig's usually pretty good on knowledge of the java specification. my reading indicated that your suggested change would be binary compatible but is quite possible craig knows something i don't...

the symantic incompatibility occurs if a users has created a subclass of CallParamRule (say) which overrides one of the deprecated methods. if CallParamRule is changed so that it override the new method then the overridden method will never be called in the users subclass. this will break the behaviour of the subclass and is (what i mean by) a symantic incompatibility: it breaks the API contract.

- robert

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