
I'm currently using commons-validator 1.1.1 in a Java Web Start client bundled with jre 1.4.2.
Whenever using a JNLP file to download the application, commons-validator hangs in ValidatorAction class and to be more precise, it hangs in readJavascriptFile method.

Debugging that method I found a while loop that reads a javascript resource based on InputStream.available() and InputStream.read() methods.
It seems that inside a Web Start environment, available() method always returns a positive number while read() method is returning a negative number (-1) which leads to a infinite loop.

That doesn't happen using a regular jar or class file to kick off the application. I really don't know why this happens in Web Start environment but either way, I've listened that InputStream.available() is not a very trusted method. Does it make sense?

I've also downloaded commons-validator 1.1.2 but it has the same issue.
I've also tested Java Web Start bundled with jre 1.5 beta - it does not hang in this environment.

Anyway, I'm attaching a patch to work around this issue.



Liaw Mike Djoesman - Summa Technologies do Brasil Ltda.
tel.:  (55 11) 3846-1622
cel.:  (55 11) 8133-6594

Index: ValidatorAction.java
RCS file: 
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 ValidatorAction.java
--- ValidatorAction.java        6 Apr 2004 16:54:46 -0000
+++ ValidatorAction.java        6 Apr 2004 17:25:36 -0000
@@ -455,6 +455,10 @@
                     String functionPart = new String(buffer,0,bytesRead);
+                else if (bufferSize > 0) {
+                    log.debug("  Unable to load javascript name "+javascriptFileName);
+                    return null;
+                }
                 bufferSize = is.available();

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