If we go down this path, Paul please make sure the main log4j build
doesn't depend on VFS, only Chainsaw.  I have full faith in Mario and
his VFS-related ideas (I like them and look forward to seeing them), but
with lo4j 1.3 alpha really close I don't want to add another dependency
to the log4j core, especially an immature/less tested component like

I'm cc'ing log4j-dev but let's continue this discussion in one place,
e.g. here ;)

Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mario Ivankovits [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 7:28 AM
>To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
>Subject: Re: [VFS]: Integration - too early?
>Paul Smith wrote:
>>The certificate that I would signing with would display my
>>email inside it.  Now obviously I wouldn't have written a single line
>>commons code, and just wanted to make sure no-one can foresee a
>>that.  We'd obviously give appropriate credit within Chainsaw to the
>>commons-dev team.
>As far as i understand the community idea - there should be no problem
>with this. At least not for me.
>>* Is VFS still in a state of flux?
>Well - quite some time not much happened in VFS - i picked it up now
>try to implement what ever comes in my head.
>However - i try not to change the current api too much. Maybe to one or
>other method will be added.
>I will be happy to work together with the log4j team to make the
>integration into chainsaw reality.
>>* Does VFS have a feature to dynamically detect which file systems are
>Yes - one of the methods to get a filesystemmanager is by using the
>StandardFilesytemManager - it uses a providers.xml where the possible
>filesystem-types are defined and also the needet classes.
>If the dependency check failes the provider is not available.
>    <provider
>        <scheme name="http"/>
>        <if-available
>    </provider>
>>* This might be File system specific, but does anyone know whether,
for a
>>given FileObject, one might be able to read a portion of the, say,
>>file, and only grab the first X lines of it for a preview?
>Currently a simple InputStream is provided. As always you could wrap it
>e.g. into an BufferedReader and use readLine().
>So the answer is YES.
>However - we have to check how e.g ftp react if you close the stream in
>the mid of the transfer.
>One of the things i would implement in the future is to provide access
>to the file by some sort of RandomAccessFile - for sure - for the
>filesystems where it is possible.
>But it should be possible to use the restart-capability of some
>ftp-server to simulate this behaviour.
>>* I don't know much about SFTP, but does this support the ability to
>>'browse' a remote directory?
>This brings me back to the previous question.
>Currently the SFTP provider reads the complete file into memory - i
>to check if this is still needet.
>But even if i change this - it is transparent to the above outlined
>>I assume if one has setup certificate-based authentication for a local
>with a remote
>>location, the password wouldn't even be needed here.  Would that work?
>>the usual ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file etc)
>This should work too - but i will test this again.
>Another problem here is the fact, that it is not easily possible to
>the location of the key-files on the client side - the current code
>tries to figure out some places:
>1) check "vfs.ftp.sshdir" system-property
>2) check "user.home"/.ssh
>3) check c:\\cygwin\\home\\"user.name"\\.ssh
>I know from some old communication between the original authors and me,
>that they never ever wanted to use system-properties - all has to be
>configured by the application.
>In the past it was a problem to send some configuration to the
>filessystem - now it is not.
>>That's all I can think of for now.  If anyone is interested in trying
>>the current stable version of Chainsaw
>I currently use the cvs-head version of chainsaw2 (and a patched
>commons-logging). The chainsaw stuff was motivation enough to change
>complete custom loggin solution to commons-logging with log4j as
>Keep on going !!!
>-- Mario
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