> As far as i understand the community idea - there should be no problem 
> with this. At least not for me.


> >* Is VFS still in a state of flux?
> >  
> >
> Well - quite some time not much happened in VFS - i picked it up now and
> try to implement what ever comes in my head.
> However - i try not to change the current api too much. Maybe to one or 
> other method will be added.
> I will be happy to work together with the log4j team to make the 
> integration into chainsaw reality.

That would be great.  Look forward to working with you.

> Yes - one of the methods to get a filesystemmanager is by using the 
> StandardFilesytemManager - it uses a providers.xml where the possible 
> filesystem-types are defined and also the needet classes.
> If the dependency check failes the provider is not available.
> e.g.
>     <provider 
> class-name="org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.http.HttpFileProvider">
>         <scheme name="http"/>
>         <if-available 
> class-name="org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient"/>
>     </provider>

Ahhh, I was hoping that was the case.  I assume I could just bundle a
provider.xml file within the Chainsaw bundle. Excellent.

> >* This might be File system specific, but does anyone know whether, for
> a
> >given FileObject, one might be able to read a portion of the, say, text
> >file, and only grab the first X lines of it for a preview?
> >
> Currently a simple InputStream is provided. As always you could wrap it 
> e.g. into an BufferedReader and use readLine().
> So the answer is YES.
> However - we have to check how e.g ftp react if you close the stream in 
> the mid of the transfer.

Excellent, that is exactly what I was hoping I could do.  Start reading line
by line, and then close after X lines.

> One of the things i would implement in the future is to provide access 
> to the file by some sort of RandomAccessFile - for sure - for the 
> filesystems where it is possible.
> But it should be possible to use the restart-capability of some 
> ftp-server to simulate this behaviour.

That is a cool feature.  

> >* I don't know much about SFTP, but does this support the ability to
> >'browse' a remote directory?
> >
> YES.


> I currently use the cvs-head version of chainsaw2 (and a patched 
> commons-logging). The chainsaw stuff was motivation enough to change our
> complete custom loggin solution to commons-logging with log4j as
> backend.
> Keep on going !!!

Thanks very much for your reply Mario, I will be busy playing with VFS over
the next week, so I'm sure you'll hear from me again... :)


Paul Smith

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