I DID check in the changes, yesterday for
jakarta-site2/docs/site/news/news-2004-1stHalf.html revision 1.27 and
jakarta-site2/xdocs/site/news/news-2004-1stHalf.xml revision 1.22

But my changes to 
jakarta-site2/xdocs/site/news/index.xml somehow failed to be checked in
I have checked them in now.

So now everything looks right for me locally. 

If Ted or someone else would update the site from daedalus now, I believe that 
all will be well.

Also, in the confusion, I checked in some changes to the html files for some 
of these pages.  I gather I should not have done that but I think the only 
problem that will have caused is that I wasted my time, as the build process 
will overwrite my changes from xml.

Sorry for any confusion I have caused.

On Sunday 02 May 2004 8:10 am, Ted Husted wrote:
> I checked out site2 and the page looks the same as the one that is posted
> now.
> If you've made changes to site2, you need to check those changes back into
> the site2 repository.
> (Or send me a patch and I'll apply it later today.)
> -Ted.
> On Sun, 02 May 2004 06:40:18 -0500, Steve Cohen wrote:
> > I pushed through the release of commons-net 1.2 yesterday.  I
> > completed all the steps mentioned in
> > http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/releases/release.html, in
> > particular, step 13:
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------
> > ---- Follow standard procedures to update the Jakarta web site
> > (stored in CVS repository jakarta-site2) to reflect the
> > availability of the new release). ..
> > If you have an account on daedalus, log in and update the web site.
> > (If not, you'll need to ask on commons-dev or [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> >
> >> cd /www/jakarta.apache.org/
> >> cvs up index.html site
> >
> > Check the live site. (The mirrors may or may not be in synch just
> > yet.) --------------------------------------------------------------
> > ---------- I checked immediately after completing this step and my
> > changes appeared to have immediately taken effect at
> > http://jakarta.apache.org#Headlines
> >
> > Later, just out of curiosity, I checked again.  The page seemed to
> > have reverted to its earlier content.  Since then I have looked
> > several times and my changes are not there.
> >
> > Going back over the directions, it appears that my mistake was that
> > I didn't do all this cvs-ing on daedalus, but on www.apache.org.
> > So that the mirroring process wiped out my changes on the site soon
> > after they were uploaded.
> >
> > Now, trying to check out the latest from cvs onto daedalus, I find
> > that I cannot actually log onto this machine.  I believe that if
> > someone logs onto daedalus and does
> >
> >> cd /www/jakarta.apache.org/
> >> cvs up index.html site
> >
> > the site will be updated.
> >
> >
> > Can someone with rights to this machine please do that?
> > Thanks.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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