Emmanuel Bourg wrote:

Mark R. Diggory wrote:

For instance, storing :

config.add("a.b", z);
config.add("a.b.c", y);
config.add("a.b.c.d.e", x);
config.add("a.b.c.d.e.f", w);

${sessionScope.configAttribute.a.b} --> z
${sessionScope.configAttribute.a.b.c} --> y
${sessionScope.configAttribute.a.b.c.d.e} --> x
${sessionScope.configAttribute.a.b.c.d.e.f} --> w


   --> Map containing {"e",x; Map [x[ { "f",w } }

I'm not sure it works, if I understand well, the following EL:


translates into (through reflexion):


but what is supposed to return the get("b") part ? the value of "a.b" that's "z" or the subset under "a.b" containing the "c", "c.d.e" and "c.d.e.f" elements ?

Emmanuel Bourg

Hmm, I get your point. That is a limiting factor, heres a possible solution:

In my example, we have the case that config.get("a") returns a nested structure of key --> Map pairs.
"b", Map {
"c", Map {
"d", Map {
"e", Map {
"f", value

so that you can do:


however, how do we get the object value for the case of "a.b.c" as opposed to the collection of its children. I suspect the answer is similar to that of "DOM" where an Element node has both Attributes and Children. So, a Map in this case has both a coercable Default Value (toString()) and Children.

[..] conotates "default value"

Map a = config.get("a");

Map {
"b", Map [z] { -----> a.get("b").toString() = z
"c", Map [y] { -----> a.get("b").get("c").toString() = y
"d", Map [NULL] { -----> a.get("b").get("c").get("d").toString() = null
"e", Map [x]{ -----> a.get("b").get("c").get("d").get("e").toString() = x
"f", w ----> a.get("b").get("c").get("d").get("e").get("f").toString() = w

Unfortunately, JSTL's EL coercion isn't what I expected. I would expect Objects to be coerced to Strings using "toString()", then have the String coerced to Boolean, Number, char, etc... But Objects coerced to anything but string result in a coersion error. Which means that the results could never be used for EL arithmetic. That is something that could be taken up with the JSTL/EL folks though.

So for limited functionality, when a Map object is returned, it could be coerced to a String value using its "toString()" method at least for now.


${sessionScope.configAttribute.a.b} --> z
${sessionScope.configAttribute.a.b.c} --> y
${sessionScope.configAttribute.a.b.c.d.e} --> x
${sessionScope.configAttribute.a.b.c.d.e.f} --> w

but when ".b.c.d" is coerced

${sessionScope.configAttribute.a.b.c.d} --> null

as opposed to iterated over using JSTL which would be

  --> Map [NULL] {
           "e",x; Map [x] {
                         "f",w }


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