(i've decided that i'm willing to cut jakarta release again. those who are interested in an explanation should see http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/BrowseList? [EMAIL PROTECTED]&by=date&from=2004-05-01&to=2004-05 -31&first=1&count=23.)

we've been talking about a common-logging 1.0.4 release for some time and i think that this would be a very good time since this new release will support the upcoming log4j release. i'm willing to act as release manager (unless anyone else wants to step forward).

i've decided to develop the release plan on the wiki (http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-commons/Logging/1_2e0_2e4ReleasePlan). i think that it'll be easier for people to keep track of exactly where everything is if it's in a single document. i'll probably have finished the plan within a day or to and will be ready to call a vote on the plan.

of course, i've anyone doesn't like what they see on the wiki or have a good reason why commons logging 1.0.4 shouldn't be released soon, then please use the mailing list :)

- robert

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