> > So I'd like to propose the following:
> > add a util package with the following structure + classes:
> >
> > [Package] o.a.c.id.util
> > [Class]    o.a.c.id.util.Bytes.java
> > [Package] o.a.c.id.util.codec
> > [Class]    o.a.c.id.util.codec.BinaryDecoder.java
> > [Class]    o.a.c.id.util.codec.BinaryEncoder.java
> > [Class]    o.a.c.id.util.codec.Decoder.java
> > [Class]    o.a.c.id.util.codec.DecoderException.java
> > [Class]    o.a.c.id.util.codec.Encoder.java
> > [Class]    o.a.c.id.util.codec.EncoderException.java
> > [Package] o.a.c.id.util.codec.binary
> > [Class]    o.a.c.id.util.codec.binary.Hex.java
> > [Package] o.a.c.id.util.codec.binary.digest
> > [Class]    o.a.c.id.util.codec.digest.DigestUtils.java
> >

From: "Phil Steitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Given the number of [codec] classes involved, I would rather keep the
> dependency.

The question is whether you actually want these classes, or just part of the
code within. The exceptions certainly shouldn't be needed, nor the
Decoder/Encoder superclasses. And none of them should be part of the public
API of [id].

The issue here is whether, I as a user, can just come along and pick up the
library and not need to think about dependencies etc. If I just want an
incrementing number id, then why should I take codec? (I know you wouldn't
need to but that is basically too confusing to try to explain.)

So two solutions:
1) Create one package scoped utils class in [id] with just the relevant
methods on it.

2) Produce two multiple files - id-all, id-uuid and id-simple, the first two
having a codec dependency.

I'd suggest the first solution is preferable.

One way to try and picure this is to classify [id] in the bigger scheme of
things. [lang], [collections], [io] and [codec] are all low level APIs - no
dependencies. Hopefully [beanutils] will join the group soon. Then there is
a next level up, [betwixt], [digester], [jxpath], [validator] which do have
dependencies (also [oro], [regexp], [bcel]...). This is quite a big
difference in a library - and maybe if commons keeps growing, then these
could become two projects/mailing lists - eg. commons-base and commons-app.
Which group does [id] fit with? I'd suggest it should be the first.


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