I dislike idea to implement independant set of query methods named insert because JDBC doesn't do that.
And unfornutatly there is no way to implement Object getGeneratedKeys(ResultSetHandler rsh) because
update closes statement object.

Passing a ResultSetHandler into the update() methods to deal with primary keys seems reasonable.

So what id your decision? Do you plan to update code with my changes?

Looking forward for comments.
Also I'd like to ask David about JDBC 3.0 support. How do you plan to support JDBC 3.0 features in DbUtils?

What features specifically do you need support for?

I just want to know you opinion about how to deal with them. At this moment I need getGeneratedKeys() only.
But who knows that happens later?

I want to keep the releases and builds as simple as possible.  That's why
we use Proxies for the JDBC interfaces (which are incompatible between
versions) instead of concrete implementations:

Looks like I misunderstand you here.

Best regards,
Mikhail Krivoshein

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