Stephen Colebourne wrote:
From: "David Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
--- Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I moved the chain cvs from sandbox to commons proper (long story) and
updated the build and doc files such that the website builds and is
for deployment.  I have not modified the site source for the jakarta
website pending deployment of the new chain site.

Should I manually deploy the website and if so, what does this involve?

I don't know of any other way than manual. I just log into and navigate to /www/ (not sure if that's exactly the right path), tar up the existing site, untar the new site into that directory and you're done. If anything goes wrong I just untar the old version. The site is built with 'maven clean site'.

maven clean site
check the website
maven site:sshdeploy

The last line should install the new website on the server.

Or, you could ssh into Apache first, then build the site and just do site:deploy.
I prefer this way, to save bandwidth and speed things up a bit, but
it probably doesn't make much of a difference.

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