hi simon

thanks for taking a look at release candidate and for catching all those things!

i think that i've addressed all except 4 (which may need a little bit of talking about which i'll kick off in a separate email). i'm probably going to go ahead and roll another release candidate sometime soonish. (4 is really a process issue.)

- robert

On 28 Aug 2004, at 11:18, Simon Kitching wrote:

On Tue, 2004-08-24 at 10:13, robert burrell donkin wrote:

thanks for letting me know. i'll leave it a few more days so you (and
everyone else) has the chance to take a good look.


Here's some fairly superficial stuff I found:

1. RELEASE-NOTES.txt file
(a) has a section describing how ArrayStack class has been copied into
package o.a.c.d. This is no longer true.
(b) probably needs to mention that the rss dtd files have been removed.
(c) information about the rss changes is given *twice*: once near the
    start, and once under "OTHER IMPORTANT NOTES". These sections
    should probably be merged.
(d) under "Examples Added", perhaps should note that the examples
    are available from the digester-16-src download as well as CVS?
(e) Add note about collections dependency no longer needed if using
    latest version of beanutils?

2. STATUS.html file (as bundled in -src download) is out-of-date

3. examples build process
The build process for the src/examples/api subdirs works nicely.
But for src/examples/xmlrules and src/examples/rss there is no
documented build process. And for src/examples/plugins the documented
process is not correct (there is no build.properties.sample file).

4. The "commons-digester-1.6.0RC1-src.zip" file contains files with unix
line terminators. Isn't the convention that the .tgz files contain unix
format (LF) files, and the .zip files contain dos (CRLF)?

5. the package.html file for o.a.c.d:
(a) has an "external dependencies" section. This should indiate that
collections is required only with beanutils < 1.7.
(b) has some very minor typos:
       "referred two by" --> "referred to by"
       "perfixed" --> "prefixed"
(c) The "Extensions" section says there are "Two extension packages"
  then procedes to list three :-)

6. package.html for o.a.c.d.parser
  Minor typo:
    "have no been standardized" -> "have not been standardized"
     (presumably written by a scotsman :-)
    "Digesters" --> "Digester"?

Otherwise, all looks good.

I'm happy to fix some of this myself early next week if you don't beat
me to it..



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