On 28 Aug 2004, at 11:18, Simon Kitching wrote:


4. The "commons-digester-1.6.0RC1-src.zip" file contains files with unix
line terminators. Isn't the convention that the .tgz files contain unix
format (LF) files, and the .zip files contain dos (CRLF)?

the way i've always cut releases is that the only differences between the two versions of the source is the way that they are packaged. since i always build my releases on a linux box, the line endings are always exported (from cvs) using unix conventions.

AFAIK this is also the way that craig's built his digester releases. i'm not really sure how important an issue this one is but if you think that it's worth pursuing, i'll try to find out what other people in the commons do.

- robert

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