Emmanuel Bourg wrote:

Oliver Heger wrote:

How about removing XMLConfiguration and renaming HierarchicalXMLConfiguration to XMLConfiguration? This class still needs

load() and save() methods to be compatible with the other configuration classes, but then it fully supports working with XML files.

That sounds interesting ! But will we be able to preserve XML comments ?

Hm, I didn't think about that. Comments are not supported yet. Do you think this is needed?

Regarding hierarchical structures I even wonder if there isn't a way to share more code between JNDIConfiguration and HierarchicalConfiguration/XMLConfiguration, I feel the tree walking logic could be mutualized but I haven't dug this subject yet.

Yes, this is probably possible. I was also thinking about extracting the code that evaluates expressions for querying properties, so that for instance an XPath engine could be plugged in. This engine - if it once exists - could then be used for all configuration classes.


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