I'm new to this list, and developer tasks in Apache projects.  I found a bug in
jelly's forEach tag, which is not conformant to jstl.  I've tried to fix it and
am close (I think), but it's not functioning exactly as I suspected it would. 
Maybe someone could offer some help.  I want to check the specific process for
this.  Should I enter a bug in bugzilla?  I can then post my patch there? 
Also, I've added a couple of files(tests).  Do I just append these?  Somethine

$cvs diff  -u > site.patch
$echo "src/test/org/apache/commons/jelly/core/TestForEachTag.java" >> site.patch
$cat src/test/org/apache/commons/jelly/core/TestForEachTag.java >> site.patch
$echo "src/test/org/apache/commons/jelly/core/testForEachTag.jelly" >>site.patch
$cat src/test/org/apache/commons/jelly/core/testForEachTag.jelly >> site.patch

also, like I said this patch isn't complete.  What I'm doing is creating an
anonymous inner class and setting that in the context.  The jelly script
recognizes the object, but doesn't proper evaluate it's methods:
<!-- this evaluates correctly -->
<j:out value="${myClass.class}"/>

<!-- the class contains a method getProp1()
     but it isn't evaluating correctly -->
<j:out value="${myClass.prop1}"/>

I'm thinking this may have something to do with it being an anonymous inner
class.  Eyeballing my patch would be much easier than me explaining here, so I
won't go into much detail.  I'm just curious as to the next step I should take.


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