On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 15:23:42 -0400, Sean Schofield
> Attached is the new CatalogFactory interface that I proposed a while
> back.  I welcome any comments, concerns or objections.  I will be
> providing a default implentation (as Craig has suggested) but I'd like
> to get feedback on the interface first.
> Thanks,
> sean

Hi Sean,

I've committed your proposed CatalogFactory.java interface to [chain],
with minor tweaks to the Javadoc comments to conform to the usual
style in [chain].  I've got a couple of questions to start with.

The getInstance() method seems out of place here ... in most factory
pattern implementations I've seen, this would actually be a public
static method on an implementation of CatalogFactory.  What kind of
use cases do you see for it here?

Also, your original motivation was to disconnect catalog lookups from
something like the ServletContext attribute that ChainListener
(containing a Catalog) sets up.  How are you proposing to do this
disconnect -- I presume it's something in the actual implementation of
CatalogFactory?  If so, will your proposed solution work when
commons-chain.jar is included either in the WEB-INF/lib directory, and
when it's installed in the servet container (thus making static
variables global across webapps)?


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