Yes, although if you have one for that purpose you might also use it
to read your configuration information and set up the catalogs (i.e.
like what ChainListener already does).

Good point.  I will look into it and report back.

Java doesn't have any API to unload classes.  Therefore, when you
reload a webapp, what the container does is throws away its reference
to the class loader.  If the app is well behaved, that will make all
the classes and objects instantiated by that webapp into garbage that
can be collected and reused.

If your map of class loader -> catalog entries is not cleaned up, then
there is still a live reference to the class loader, and hence live
references to all the old objects.  End result -- massive memory leak
on every application reload.  Not a good thing.

Wow I had not realized the implications of that! I was just thinking that the reference to the Catalogs would be lying around (a lot less of a memory issue.) I suppose that makes sense though. I don't know a lot about the specifics of class loader and how they work with garbage collection (clearly an area for more research on my part.)

We could just add it to ContextListener, and extend the configuration
processing to deal with multiple catalogs.

As with my earlier comment, I will look into it and report back.


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