Hmm, navigating through a tree based on a configuration key, creating missing nodes if necessary and finally storing the value...

Similar code is contained in HierarchicalConfiguration and I suppose in XMLConfiguration, too, to update the internally used DOM tree. I wonder if this could be generalized.


Eric Pugh wrote:
Well..  I started on the bind/rebind stuff.  and am having a really hard
time of it...

I can bind a property like this "newprop" just fine..  However, a property
like "my.newprop" fails..  I think I need to crawl the tree and find the
correct context and then set that...  argh..

I don't just want to save in a temporary storage because I want to be able
to persist via JNDI configuration changes.


-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Bourg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 5:54 PM
To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
Subject: Re: [configuration] Any reason why JNDIConfiguration is

Eric Pugh wrote:

Anyone have a good reason whe JNDIConfiguration doesn't support setting
properties?  I was thinking of going for just a simple string storing of
properties, not binding in Datasources or anything funky like that...


How to you plan to implement this ? By playing with the bind/rebind/unbind functions of the Context interface, or by storing the new properties into a Map ?

Emmanuel Bourg

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