This may not the time (or the place), but I am going to ask anyway.

It would seem that at the moment, all around the world, people are
doing the same work over and over.  Particularly in regard to certain
packages/functions, this to me seems a little (well a lot) redundant.

Specifically, there seems to be an insane abundance of CMS'es for
example.  With no really effort put into standardization,
collaboration, etc.  This effectivately results in the rest of us
developing other add-ons (eg. forums, shopping-carts, etc.) that are
not integrated, dont co-operate or any of the other nice stuff :-)

I realize that Apache Forrest (and others) are working web-site
generation tools, but I would like to find out what everyone thinks
about the feasibility of developing an Apache CMS.

For my mind it would have to be something that is:
1) user friendly (for non-techies too), sadly not all projects are
2) standards based
3) secure
4) has good performance
5) db independant
6) open to extension and integration
7) flexible

Anyway, these are my musings, I will very much appreciate any and all comments.


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