> I doubt Eclipse will ever have built-in svn support because there are
> several third party plugins available.  Since adding a plugin 
> update site
> is so trivial in Eclipse I wouldn't think this would be a big deal.
> The plugin I use with Struts svn is http://subclipse.tigris.org/.  It
> works largely the same as Eclipse's cvs plugin.

I'm sure Eclipse *will* have built-in svn support at some point. If the 
Subclipse plug-in provides more or less the same functionality  as the standard 
cvs plug-ins, and conforms to the VCM architecture, then there is every chance 
that it could be hosted by Eclipse and provided as an alternative to the cvs 
stuff. The key will be the adoption rate of svn in the wider community - the 
more projects like Apache/Jakarta that use it, the greater will be the demand 
for Eclipse to support it... 

One of those chicken and egg things... ;-)

Colin Sharples
IBM Advisory IT Specialist
Email: sharples-at-nz.ibm.com

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