Le 30 nov. 04, à 10:00, Dion Gillard a écrit :
It doesn't refer to the default namespace of Maven. It refers to the
way the ant taglibrary works. That may need some extra detail so it's
obvious that it's any undefined tag in the ant namespace.

Got it... so ant:ant would be the tag-library ? I don't think tag-libraries have a place there... We have a page for them and you link well to them... this may be the source my confusion: there should be nothing about a taglib (hence about a namespace) in there, I think, just tags.

Brett Porter thus complemented:
I think that the navigation should just have the tag libraries listed, and then an overview could contain the full lists?

I don't agree here, I think it's a great idea to offer a combined list, I would have used this more often. It is complementary to a taglib list which should also (of course) be available!
(each taglibs are accessible and well highlighted by the link system Dion made, I think).


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