On Mon, 2004-12-06 at 07:30, Mihai C. wrote:
> Hi all, being new to digester, I have no clue how to get around my problem. 
> Here's the story:
> I'm trying to parse a config xml that looks like this:
> <root>
>      <a>
>      .......
>           <b>
>           .....
>           </b>
>           <b>
>           .....
>           </b>
>      </a>
>      <a>
>      .......
>           <b>
>           .....
>           </b>
>           <b>
>           .....
>           </b>
>      </a>
> </root>
> I have two beans (ABean and BBean)
> and the factory :
> class Factory {
>  processA(ABean ab){
>   .......
>  }
>  processB(BBean bb){
>   ........
>  }
>  digest(){
>       Digester d = new Digester();
>       d.push(this); //stack bottom
>       d.addSetNext(      "root/a/b",   "processB" , "BBean"); // when 
> root/a/b pattern mathes, execute processB on 'this' with BBean type param
>       d.addSetNext(      "root/a",   "processA", "ABean"); // when root/a 
> pattern mathes, execute processA on 'this' with ABean type param
>       d.addObjectCreate( "root/a",   ABean.class);
>       d.addObjectCreate( "root/a/b", BBean.class);
>       ............... //var addCallMethod()
>  }
> }
> I get this error:
> [DEBUG] Digester - -[SetNextRule]{root/a/b} Call 
> Factory.processB([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> [ERROR] Digester - -End event threw exception 
> <java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type 
> mismatch>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch

> Obviously, processB() was called with the wrong arg type(ABean instead of 
> BBean) and that because the BBean obj was just poped from the stack.

No, I think what is happening is that Digester is attempting to call a
on an object of type ABean. The ABean class presumably doesn't have such
a method.

The structure of your input xml implies that BBeans are children of
ABeans. But you appear to be trying to map this structure to a different
representation where ABean and BBean objects are children of a Factory
object. If you *really* want to do this, then I expect a way can be
found, but I doubt this is really what you want to achieve...

Remember that Digester has an object stack. You push an instance of
Factory on the stack initially. Then when an <a> tag is encountered,
your rules tell digester to create and push an ABean object onto the
stack, and call ProcessA on the (top-1) object (the Factory) passing the
top object (the ABean). All is ok so far. But then the <b> tag *within*
the <a> tag is encountered, so your rules tell Digester to create a
BBean object, push it on the stack, then call ProcessB on the (top-1)
object on the stack - which is an ABean. Now I think this probably *is*
what you want - the <b> tag is within the <a> tag, indicating that BBean
objects are children of ABean objects. So surely a method on the ABean
should be invoked to handle its children... 

I hope this helps. If not, please provide a little more information on
why you don't want to map the input xml in the obvious manner..



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