Richard Sitze wrote:

         - For message level logging, support globalized
           variants on the new EnterpriseLog interface:

           info(Class callingClass,
                String methodName,
                String messageID);

           info(Class callingClass,
                String methodName,
                String messageID,
                Object messageParam);

           info(Class callingClass,
                String methodName,
                String messageID,
                Object[] messageParams);

same for warn, error, fatal.

I don't understand why the calling class and method name are included. Can't this information simply be retrieved from the current stack trace by the underlying logging implementation? I would think a cleaner approach would be one of the alternatives below (note we have to avoid conflicting with the existing info, warn, error, etc. methods)

info(String defaultMessage, String messageKey);
info(String defaultMessage, String messageKey, Object param);
info(String defaultMessage, String messageKey, Object[] params);


i18nInfo(String messageKey);
i18nInfo(String messageKey, Object param);
i18nInfo(String defaultMessage, String messageKey, Object[] params);

Also, I don't want to type

private static final EnterpriseLog log = EnterpriseLogFactory.getClass(MyVeryLongClassName.class);

I would think this new functionality could be added directly to the existing Log and LogFactory classes.


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