On Fri, 2004-12-10 at 11:52, Martin Cooper wrote:
> This sure doesn't sound like Commons Logging would be "an ultra-thin
> bridge between different logging libraries" any more.
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/
> This sounds more like a different package altogether. IMO, we have
> enough trouble as it is with some people resisting adding a dependency
> on Commons Logging that the last thing I want to see is a bunch more
> functionality - and size - added to this component.

It looks to me like the changes will be just a couple of fairly simple
new classes for globalisation, and a couple of trivial methods to
support the JSR-47 "finer" log level. I don't think that's a big deal.

The "repackaging" of the logging library to separate the "interfaces"
from the log-library-specific adapters is something that has already
been proposed on this list, and clearly will *reduce* jar file size
(though add complexity by forcing users to deploy two jars instead of

It is less clear how the proposed changes to the 'discovery' process
would affect code size/complexity, and I agree a close eye needs to be
kept on this to make sure commons-logging stays the "thin bridge" it was
always meant to be.



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