Daniel Florey wrote:
In order to find an appropriate solution to this issue, I'd like to identify
the different problems that we need to address.
Version: What does a version number mean?
I'll make a proposal for how to use minor/major version number to have a
basis on which we can identify the issues.
Major version numbers indicate that some public API methods have been
changed in semantics or have been removed. So an application using
component-1.x might not work with component-2.x
Minor version numbers indicate that the component remains backward
compatible, but new methods may have been introduced.
So an application using component-1.x will work with component-1.y if y>0,
but an application component-1.y might fail when using component 1.x
A build number might indicate that private methods have changed without
affecting the public api.
So an application using component 1.x.a will work with component 1.x.b and
an application using 1.x.b will work with component 1.x.a
Does this sound reasonable? Missed something?

There are Versioning Guidelines available for commons components: http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/releases/versioning.html

Dennis Lundberg


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