Paul Libbrecht wrote:

The result is quite amazing... here's my current survey of the memory-usages of running the script <J:jelly><j:set var="c" value="true"/></j:jelly> 10000 times.
The memory usage is computed from the difference Runtime.totalMemory()-Runtime.freeMemory() between the start and after 10000 runs.

- Windows, (Sun's?) JDK 1.4.2 _06, memory usage of about 2.4 Mb

I have a felling this garbage collects far less often. I also have a GB of RAM, so it probably didn't feel it had to. Try System.gc() before calling the *Memory() functions.

Do maven experts have an easy way for me in maven to run a unit test with profiling option -Xprof on ?

I think its maven.junit.fork=true maven.junit.jvmargs=-Xprof

Try the test plugin properties reference.


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