Tzvika Barenholz wrote:
There are multiple (conflicting) definitions
for vector*vector in various contexts, the most common is
(a1, a2, ...)*(b1, b2, ...)=(a1*b1, a2*b2, ...)
I mean exactly the above indicated 'common one'. of course i could
relate to it as a multiplication of two matrices (the left a row the
right a column) but seems a bit ugly.

You'll get a 1x1 matrix in this case, i.e. you geft the scalar product of two vectors: a1*b1+a2*b2+...

Do you think there is a point in adding a sort of static methods class
, VectorUtils or the like?

I never felt the need to do this. In Java 1.3 even with HotSpot, there is still a noticable speed advantage if you unroll and inline simple vector operations in inner loops instead of calling a function.

Does anybody have more recent data about Java performance
for numerical comuptations?


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