On Wed, 19 Jan 2005, Dion Gillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Do you mean the gump build is broken, or the taglibs build in
> isolation is broken?

In the "httpclient needs codec now" case this really is just a place
where the taglib inherits a dependency on commons-codec via
commons-httpclient but the project.xml doesn't know this.  If you add
this, I don't think anything else needs to change and it should be
perfectly backwards compatible.  AFAIU httpclient 3.x is not that far
from a release anyway.

> I'm happy to fix the builds if they're broken using they're stated
> dependencies, but as for changing the builds to keep up with HEAD of
> Jetty or BSF, I don't see the point.

Fair enough.


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