Thanx Daniel, I´ve already see the sources of contract, i18n and xmlio but I
never see before the other project you told (Slide/Projector). This other is
a jakarta project?

In contract sources I see all constraints classes (these classes is similar
to the classes suggested in book Hardcore Java, from O'Reilly) and the
processor class and interface. But I need to see more i18n (I see your name
there is some place ...).

>This is a good starting point for learning to deal
>with the contract and the related i18n component.
I will do this.

>The idea behind the constraint classes is to have a powerful way not only
>describe the constraints of a special value but also to be able to verbose
>these constraints in a human-readable way.
Let user decides what form choose to use right? Good, I think is a very good
idea!!! If he wants a programmatic or declarative form he only need to

Do you plan to use this library (can I call Library?) in some developing
process? Like UML Components (Chesman and Daniels)?

Man, I have a book filled with ideas (and a very bad english!!!).
I´m newbie here, maybe I need some help ok?


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