On Thu, 2005-02-10 at 21:59 -0500, WHIRLYCOTT wrote:
> There's also the original version here:
> http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/classes/EDU/oswego/cs/dl/util/concurrent/intro.html
> What does the backport offer that the original util.concurrent lib 
> doesn't offer?

The JSR process made some minor alterations to the API provided by the
original lib, left out a few minor classes, etc.

By using the backport, updating to the "real" java.util.concurrent is
just a matter of changing the import statements in your code. Coding to
Doug's original API means your code isn't quite compatible with the
java.util.concurrent implementation provided by java 1.5.

The site you reference also implies that performance was improved in
some places in the java.util versions.

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