So, as we move towards a Struts 1.3.0 release depending on commons-chain, it seems that it would be nice to get a minor release of commons-chain to go with it. It would be nice for Struts to be able to support the compound String representation of a catalog/command combination, and I would like to be able to use the (just-committed) change to LookupCommand which allows you to ignore a "true" returned from a looked up command.

Is there anything else people would want to see in a minor release? Any reason to choose any version number other than 1.0.1?

Since I'm agitating, I should volunteer to be the release manager. I've never done it before, so it'll take me a little time to go through the whole routine, etc. I'd happily let anyone else do it if they like, but it seems to be one of those chores that people don't love to take on.


Joe Germuska
Vice President, Software Development
JGSullivan Interactive, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       312/475-2488 (v)        312/943-9675 (f)
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