At 5:02 PM -0500 3/2/05, Howard Lin wrote:
Thanks, I'll file a bug in the Bugzilla. It seems the problem is that
in ChainProcessor, there is no need to save the catalog as a request
attribute since CatalogFactory already had it,  it only needs to save
the catalog name in the context so the next command can retrieve the
catalog name and use that to retrieve the catalog. If CONFIG_ATTR is
set, ChainProcessor should put that value in the context too so the
next command can retrieve value of CONFIG_ATTR and get the catalog
through the ServletContext. If this seems the right way to fix it, I
can submit patches.

Again, I haven't used the ChainServlet or its siblings. I was going to argue that, for backwards compatibility, the Catalog itself should be put in the request and the context, but then, it seems that no one would have ever been able to use it as released, so I'm not sure how much we should be worried about compatibility!

Still, I'm not sure I think it's bad to pass the Catalog object instead of its name in those places. I'm not sure I can think of any particular reason to decide either way, although I guess it is one less step to retrieve a usable Catalog object than to get its name and look it up.

set, ChainProcessor should put that value in the context too so the
next command can retrieve value of CONFIG_ATTR and get the catalog
through the ServletContext.

This part I'm not really clear on at all; why would anything get the catalog from the ServletContext? As written, the use of CONFIG_ATTR is to put the catalog in the chain Context so that other commands can use it to look up yet other commands? This may not be necessary, as in general the generic command implementations that are part of commons-chain know how to use CatalogFactory, so they need only be configured with a catalog name. But what type of code would retrieve a catalog from the ServletContext? That's the part which I think is obsolete.

Can you clarify what you suggest doing?


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction" -The Ex

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