On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 14:08:48 +0000 (GMT), Stephen Colebourne
> I am not sure if we've laid out how we are going to
> build the release versions of [lang], but here is my
> recommendation:
> For other projects I do, I build the jar file, source
> and binary dists using ant. I do this using an old JDK
> (1.3, although perhaps it should even be 1.2). I also
> use this same jar file to upload to ibiblio. I do NOT
> use maven - it uses the wrong JDK and I don't trust it
> enough.

How can it use the wrong JDK? Is Maven 1.4+ nowadays or something?

I've always used Maven on Commons projects (when mavenized) because I
don't have to worry about whether the custom Ant script is
sufficiently customised (or evne up to date as most are generated from
Maven). Afaik, only Collections still used a custom Ant file.

> I DO use maven for building the website, which I do
> with JDK 1.4/1.5. After doing maven site, I copy the
> javadoc to a new directory api-2.1. Only then do I do
> maven site:sshdeploy.

Interesting :) I distrust the site:sshdeploy and instead I zip the
docs up and scp them manually to the server. I'll let maven create
binaries, but I'm loathe to generate docs to production from any
system, be it Ant or Maven. The main reason why I've not deployed the
site in recent times, goes against the grain.

> On the server, I manually link api-release to api-2.1.
> The navigation.xml file contains hyperlinks to
> api-release to refer to the release docs, and apidocs
> to refer to the latest CVS javadoc (which will be the
> same just after a release).

I'd prefer to separate this concept completely. Have a completely
seperate way of storing and managing the javadoc, maybe even go as far
as to check said javadoc into the repository (not necessarily inside
Lang), or just copying the docs/apidocs over to an official place,
rather than inside Lang. But that's an idea I've not tried out before,
an unzipped javadoc repository, in the same way we have a java
repository, which will make it easy to ensure we keep released javadoc

> Thus the server contains:
> root
>  - apidocs - CVS latest javadoc
>  - api-2.0 - javadoc of 2.0 (copy on server before
> upload)
>  - api-2.1 - javadoc of 2.1 (upload with maven in
> release)
>  - api-release - link to api-2.1
> And ALL jar files are produced by ant under JDK1.3 (or
> 1.2)

No great difference on the result, just completely different path on
how to get there :)


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