My feeling is that this would lead to confusion... The code I proposed is
specifically for checking TIME ranges, but looking at your suggestion, I
can't tell if it would work in determing if an hour fell within a given
range.  It might, but I can't tell from what you've posted here.  It also,
in my particular use case, has to work when the range start time is on a
Monday and the range end time is on a Tuesday.

I think the object to ints that you and also Henri I think talked about is
valid, but note that you only supply a single int for range start and end,
you don't specify hours and minutes separately.  It is this way because
that's exactly what you get if you do Calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY;. 
Henri already talked about adding a version to accept a Date, which I
think makes sense, as long as its an overloaded version, I certainly have
no objection.

Now, all that being said, I for one say post your class if something like
it doesn't already exist.  Being able to determine if a date falls within
a given range is also a valuable function for sure. :)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Tue, March 8, 2005 10:15 am, matthew.hawthorne said:
> Sorry to jump in mid-conversation, but I have recently written a
> DateRange class of my own.
> I think it would be much simpler to make the class only operate on Date
> objects, both in the constructor:
> DateRange(Date d1, Date d2)
> and in the methods to check if dates fall within the range:
> contains(Date)
> intersects(Date)
> I find this easier than dealing with numerous ints for startHour,
> startMinutes, endHour, endMinutes.
> But again, I'm not 100% sure of the requirements.
> If what I've described sounds good, perhaps I could upload it into
> Bugzilla.  Let me know.
> Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
>> On Mon, March 7, 2005 2:21 am, Henri Yandell said:
>>>Largely trying to avoid throwing it straight in as after many moons of
>>>failing, I'm making a push to get 2.1 out :)
>> I can certainly appreciate that :)
>>>On the larger ideas (DateRange class), I'd imagine an API of:
>>>// DateRange might not extend the math.Range, but would mimic the API
>>>DateRange range = new DateRange(date1, date2, Calendar.HOUR);
>>>if(range.contains(new Date())) { .. }
>>>Unsure. Maybe it'd be simpler with TimeRange being another range that
>>>provides the kind of feature you want, ie) only based on the time of
>>>day. That way the rather dodgy Calendar.HOUR bit can be thrown out.
>> To me, the part about mimicing the API makes some sense (so long as
>> there
>> is an overload version that accepts a Calendar so that my use case is
>> handled too!).  The part about extending math.Range (which I realize you
>> say you aren't sure about) I wouldn't like.  It doesn't feel like it
>> really applies properly, a bit of a square peg in a round hole if you
>> will.  I think the API is the part that really matters though.
>> I'm not entirely clear on why there are three parameters when
>> constucting
>> the DateRange though... Seems like a range by definition should only
>> require two items, no? :)
>>>Given the criteria above, at least an API of:
>>>DateUtils.inRange(Date time, int startHours, int startMinutes, int
>>>endHours, int endMinutes)
>>>It's the 2,358 number I dislike :)
>> I can live with that :)
>>>We tend to make the target the first parameter btw, but that's no
>>>biggy. I also switched it to be a Date.
>> Also not a problem for me.  However, I would think it would be better to
>> create another overloaded version to accept a Date rather than replacing
>> it.  I still think there are cases where the base int-only version will
>> come in handy, and I'd hate to see if removed.  I think all overloaded
>> versions callind on the int-only version is the most flexible model
>> anyway... I can't imagine an overloaded version I'd rally against :)
>>>Another approach would be if we added a Time class to represent a time
>>>value independent of the day. I'm not sure if Stephen did this in
>>>JODA, but I suspect that it would be a simple enough addition. Maybe
>>>we could extend java.util.Date so that it could still be used easily
>>>in DateFormat/JDBC etc. Some issues with that, but might be usable
>>>enough with them.
>> Not a bad thought, but I would make an argument that as an application
>> developer, I'm not sure I'd be thrilled with having to use something
>> other
>> than JDK standard classes (even though, to me anyway, its a bit bizarre
>> in
>> the first place to have to use a Date or Calendar when I'm just dealing
>> with times).  I suppose as long as it was easy to get a Time instance
>> based off of any of these, i.e., Time t = new Time(calendar); Time t =
>> new
>> Time(date); ... and so on... then I'd be happy with that.  I could see
>> using that myself.
>>>The String variants have the p/pm hardcoded, which will be a bit
>>>limiting. It'd make things slower, but I presume you could use a
>>>SimpleDateFormat here.
>> That's a good thought, I didn't think of doing it that way.  Certainly,
>> if
>> I could let the standard JDK classes handle the "conversion", then cool.
>> Plus, it should be able to handle just about any format one throws at
>> it,
>> so that's certainly worth doing.  In any case, I can't imagine it would
>> effect performance any more than the current implementation probably
>> does
>> :)
>> Frank
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