Thank you Phil, that did the trick!

For the further release planning: There have been some minor changes after 1.1RC2. So I think, it would be best to create another release candidate, immideately followed by the vote call for the 1.1 release. Does anybody wants to apply any changes before this? Please give me some feedback.


Phil Steitz wrote:

Oliver Heger wrote:

NOTICE.txt is missing from source and binary distros and jar.

Not sure about this. I used maven dist to build the distros. Do I have to tweak the maven.xml so that this file gets included?

To get it into the jar, add it as a build resource in project.xml:


To get it into the top-level directories, you need to tweak maven.xml. Here is one way to do it:

<preGoal name="dist:build-bin">
  <copy todir="${maven.dist.bin.assembly.dir}">
    <fileset file='${basedir}/NOTICE.txt'/>
<preGoal name="dist:build-src">
  <copy todir="${maven.dist.src.assembly.dir}">
    <fileset file='${basedir}/NOTICE.txt'/>



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