On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 23:48 -0800, Brian Stansberry wrote:


> Perhaps coming down to a solution involving
> distributing multiple different jars, teaching users
> how to correctly deploy them, and then still having
> some use cases where JCL's discovery mechanism doesn't
> work qualifies as "broken beyond hope".  I'm actually
> still somewhat on the fence on this one.
> I think there are two issues here: 1) Does changing
> packaging actually solve some of the identified
> problems?  This issue can and should be resolved
> empirically.

as part of a review of my demonstration of concepts analysis, i have now
identified cases where (in theory) an impl jar should solve some issues
involving child classloaders. (your batsense seems pretty well developed
brian :) it's a little involved to explain without reference to the
demonstration cases so i'll leave this as a FYI for now. 

should be pretty easy for someone to extend the demonstration source to
show this empirically (once its committed). 

- robert

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