On 2005-03-24 23:50:45, Remy Maucherat said,

> At this point, the only productive thing that could happen is if log4j
> adopted the java.util.logging API as the logging API for log4j.next.
> The java.util.logging API, wether you guys accept it or not, is the
> only realistic standard moving forward. That way, we would not be
> needing any "wrapper API" gimmick, and applications could use the full
> logging APIs rather than being limited to a small subset of its
> functionality.

It doesn't make any sense for log4j.next to adopt java.util.logging
API. As for the claim that java.util.logging is the only realistic
standard forward, it should be clear to any moderately astute observer
that bundling an API with the JDK is not enough to create a standard.

Remy, there is more to logging than what meets your eye as a Tomcat
developer. I am confident that by continuing to carefully listen to
your (Tomcat) constituency, you will eventually change your mind.

In other words, don't listen to what LS people have to say, only
listen to what Tomcat users say.


-- Ceki Gülcü

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