Brent Worden wrote:

"Ortwin Glück" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


You mentioned the "maven ant" goal. I had never tried it before and I just gave it a spin. The result is not really usable though. The build.xml starts off with all kind of properties that contain local path names and there is no property file tag before those definitions! Checking in such a build.xml would not help anybody. Dennis mentioned a patch for the ant plugin. As long as it is not in the standard Maven distribution this is no option either.

As of Maven 1.0, the plugins have releases independent of the Maven core. To patch the ant plugin, you simply need to update that plugin. This can easily be accomplished by executing the following maven command:
maven plugin:download -DartifactId=maven-ant-plugin -DgroupId=maven -Dversion=1.8.1


Actually that needs to be this command to get the patched version:

maven plugin:download

I'll ask the maintainer of the plugin, if it is possible to get an official release of it.

Dennis Lundberg

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