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robert burrell donkin wrote:

>openPGP is the name used for a group of RFC's inspired by pretty good
>privacy. http://www.openpgp.org/ is an association of implementors
>promoting the use of this standard (which is probably the source of the
>confusion). http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2440.txt is the RFC in question
>and covers a message format. it included implementation details as well
>as specification (which is another source for the confusion).

ok, so commons-openpgp would be ok. I'm still thinking commons-crypto is
a good name, but I'll be happy with either. It can always be changed
later when it is expanded I guess.

>maybe it'd be possible to get enough momentum to think about aiming for
>a jakarta-crypto in the medium term followed by an apache-crypto project
>one day...

LOL... I hope this has a fair bit of tongue in cheek :) It's good to
have a long term goal, but I'm not getting that carried away just yet.

As far as I understand, we're only aiming for something that wraps
bouncycastle and/org cryptix (which, at least in BC's case from my
experience,  already does the crypto stuff very well) that is at a
higher level and isolated from the provider's own API. We're just
signing some deployments here, for now :)


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