--- Brian Stansberry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- robert burrell donkin
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, 2005-05-05 at 23:12 +1200, Simon Kitching
> > wrote:
> > > On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 23:37 -0700, Brian
> > Stansberry wrote:
> > 
> > <snip>
> >  
> > > > 2) When checking into the above, I discovered
> > that in
> > > > the latest JBoss, their webapp classloader
> won't
> > load
> > > > commons-logging.jar from WEB-INF/lib even if
> > > > parent-last loading is in effect.  It's
> > specifically
> > > > disabled.  Seems there were type conflicts
> with
> > JCL
> > > > classes loaded by the integrated Tomcat
> > container. 
> > > > Not sure yet what this is all about, but in
> any
> > case
> > > > the net effect is that as far as JCL is
> > concerned, a
> > > > webapp on JBoss behaves as if parent-first
> > loading
> > > > were in effect.
> > > 
> > > Interesting....I wonder if they posted any
> > questions to the JCL
> > > development list before adopting this
> (apparently
> > fairly radical)
> > > solution. I'll go have a look.
> > 
> > seems like an odd solution. any more information
> on
> > this?
> Not too much.  The JBoss CVS commit history and
> their
> JIRA don't give too many details.  For JBoss 4.0.2
> they switched to using the standard Tomcat webapp
> classloader by default (instead of their own). I'm
> *guessing* that the problem might arise because
> JBoss
> has commons-logging.jar on the server classpath,
> while
> Tomcat standalone use commons-logging-api.jar.
> I'm about to take on a project related to
> JBoss/Tomcat
> integration, so that will give me a chance to check
> it
> out more (i.e. stop filtering JCL in WEB-INF/lib and
> see what breaks).

Had a chance to check this out, and the problem is
because JBoss/Tomcat uses commons-logging.jar instead
of the commons-logging-api.jar used by standalone
Tomcat.  When a webapp is deployed JBoss also deploys
container code that executes when the webapps
classloader is the TCCL (e.g. a valve that helps
support the JACC spec).  This code fails with
LogConfigurationExceptions due to incompatible Log

JBoss can't just use commons-logging-api.jar as they
use log4j for server logging.

Good news is, the version of JCL in svn fixes this
problem :)  Well, not quite -- it fixes it once a
patch is applied (see bugzilla 35423).

But, they'll probably still keep filtering JCL once a
new version of JCL is out in order to keep apps still
using old versions from blowing up.

BTW, in their nightly builds they've started using a
patched version of JCL whose LogFactory uses a
WeakHashMap instead of a Hashtable.  This fixes memory
leak problems in their unit tests.

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