On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 14:48 +0200, Ceki Gülcü wrote:
> I find the general approach quite brilliant. It might be the right answer 
> to the bigger problem of testing class loader related issues with Junit 
> instead of through a static main method. However, the approach has the 
> disadvantage of displacing some of the test logic into junit. Of course, 
> the displacement in logic is unavoidable by construction.
> You have either created a new testing idiom to be followed by many java 
> developers, or alternatively yet another indirection which will make the 
> testing logic inscrutable for mere mortals. Anyway, the promise seems well 
> worth the risk.

things usually become less inscrutable once they are tidied up into
frameworks and documented. might be worth (later) seeing if this could
be generalised and maybe contributed back to junit...

- robert

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