Hi Sam,

On Wed, 2005-07-20 at 19:14 -0700, Sam Gendler wrote:
> There is no clue in the commons-email documentation for hows to go
> about getting it.  The status section claims it is 1.0, it has been
> moved out of the sandbox, but clicking on the download link provides
> nothing, and there isn't even any info for building the thing.  As far
> as I can tell, it is, at the least, going to involve installing maven
> and subversion.  Anyone care to clue me in on the process, or point me
> at a jar file to use?

Commons-email has recently been promoted from the "sandbox" and sandbox
projects don't have binary builds available; users have to build from
source code.

Clicking on the "downloads" link under "Project Documentation" on the
commons-email site shows the message "This project has not released any
version yet" which is correct.

I'm not sure what you mean by "status section claims it is 1.0". In the
project.xml file, currentVersion is set to "1.0-rc5-SNAPSHOT" which is

As the currentVersion value indicates, Email is very near to a 1.0
release. However the release manager has unfortunately had a family
member taken seriously ill, so the release is on hold for a while.

So for the moment, yes you do need to download the code from subversion
and build a release using maven (building using maven is *really* easy).
If you check back in a week or two there will hopefully be a shiny new
1.0 release available for download.

BTW, this question would probably be better asked on the commons-user



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