On Thu, 2005-07-21 at 09:47 -0600, Kris Nuttycombe wrote:
> Martin Cooper wrote:
> >> As a few of you know, I've been the primary developer on the
> >> commons-pipeline project for a bit over a year now. For the past several
> >> months, the project has languished while I've been occupied with other
> >> things, but it's now seeing a lot of new development from a new
> >> contributor.  Since it's under active development, it would be very
> >> useful for me to be able to commit changes to the repository. What is
> >> required to obtain committer privileges for the sandbox?
> >
> >
> > I'm not sure I understand the parts about "new development from a new
> > contributor" or "under active development". There have been no
> > significant commits to pipeline in the last six months or so. (The
> > only commits have been those to fix things up after the CVS -> SVN
> > change.)
> Basically, there are going to be a bunch of new commit requests in the
> next few days and they'll hopefully be ramping up from here. Within NOAA
> there are a number of different groups interested in Pipeline
> development, but the problems with the site have made it hard for them
> to get involved - I've resorted to hosting my own version of the
> generated site so that folks can access javadocs and such.
> > Commit access to the sandbox is available only to existing ASF
> > committers. Since I don't believe you're an existing committer, Kris,
> > and there is no obvious community around the Commons Pipeline
> > component, at least as far as I can tell, my suggestion would be to
> > take this component to the incubator, rather than try to pursue it
> > through the Commons Sandbox.
> No, I'm not an existing committer. I guess that I'm a bit confused about
> the distinction between the incubator and the sandbox, but I'm off now
> to find out more about the incubator. In the meantime, is there anyone
> who can help with the problems on the site?

I have updated the site a little (svn info in place of cvs info) and
published the updated site. It may take a couple of hours for the
changes to be visible at jakarta.apache.org.

If there's anything else that you specifically want changed on the
pipeline website please let me know.

However if there are no existing apache committers working on this
Pipeline component then it is going to be hard for you to continue
development in the sandbox. The sandbox is intended for the use of
existing apache committers. As Martin says, a group of non-apache people
wanting to host a project at apache should probably be looking at
working in incubator.apache.org instead.



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