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The following page has been changed by SchalkNeethling:

   ||Add your questions/answers here.||
+ """Q""" Very often when we try to upload a file (several types such as jpeg, 
ppt etc.) we get 
+ an error message from Internet-Explorer "page cannot be displayed"
+ Not always but very often (absolutely not reliable). 
+ We don't see any error messages, neither in apache nor in tomcat (as if there 
had       been no request at all).
+ Apache is configured to redirect all non-SSL request to SSL, but I think 
+ that shouldn't cause any problems because that happens only once (the user 
must first log-in, then go 
+ through several dialogs before he can upload, thus the redirection is done 
much earlier).
+ Except that, everything is very stable.
+ Any ideas?
+ """A""" The reason was Internet Explorer needs the following in Apache:
+ SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \
+          nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
+          downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
+ Zsolt

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