Is the scope going to include remotely executing processes via ssh or
something similar?

On 7/29/05, Niklas Gustavsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Proposal for Exec Package
> Rationale
> ------------------------------------
> Executing external processes from Java is a well-known problem area. It
> is inheriently platform dependent and requires the developer to know and
> test for platform specific behaviors, for example using cmd.exe on
> Windows or limited buffer sizes causing deadlocks. The JRE support for
> this is very limited, albeit better with the new Java SE 1.5
> ProcessBuilder class.
> Reliably executing external processes can also require knowledge of the
> environment variables before or after the command is executed. In J2SE
> 1.1-1.4 there is not support for this, since the method,
> System.getenv(), for retriving environment variables is deprecated.
> The are currently several different libraries that for their own
> purposes has implemented frameworks around Runtime.exec() to handle the
> various issue outlined above. The proposed project should aim at
> coordinating and learning from these initatives to create and maintain a
> simple, reusable and well-tested package. Since some of the more
> problematic platforms are not readily available, it is my hope that the
> broad Apache community can be a great help.
> Scope of the package
> ------------------------------------
> The package shall create and maintain a process execution package
> written in the Java language to be distributed under the ASF license.
> The Java code might also be complemented with scripts (e.g. Perl
> scripts) to fully enable execution on some operating systems. The
> package should aim for supporting a wide range of operating systems
> while still having a consistent API for all platforms.
> Interaction with other packages
> ------------------------------------
> This package will using Commons Logging for logging debug and error
> information.
> Identify the initial source for the package
> ------------------------------------
> Several implementations exists and should be researched before
> finalizing the design:
>   * Ant 1.X contains probably the most mature code within the exec task.
> This code has been stripped of the Ant specifics and cleaned up by
> Niklas Gustavsson and can be donated under the ASF license.
>   * Ant 2.X contains a new exec implementation, especially targeted for
> reusability (see
>   * plexus-utils has a similar but slimmer implementation than Ant and
> has also indicated interest through Trygve Laugstøl the particate in the
> development.
> Identify the base name for the package
> ------------------------------------
> org.apache.commons.exec
> Identify the coding conventions for this package
> ------------------------------------
> Sun conventions.
> Identify any Jakarta-Commons resources to be created
> ------------------------------------
>   * Mailing list
> Until traffic justifies, the package will use the Jakarta-Commons lists
> for communications.
>   * SVN repositories
> A new SVN directory under Commons Sandbox
>   * Bugzilla
> The package should be listed as a component of under the Jakarta-Commons
> Bugzilla entry.
>   * Integration test builds
> If possible, some form of integration test builds on various platforms
> (like the SourceForge compile farm) would be invaluable. I'm unsure of
> what for example Gump and the current Apache infrastructure has to offer
> in this area.
> Identify the initial set of committers to be listed in the Status File
> ------------------------------------
> Brett Porter
> Stefan Bodewig
> Niklas Gustavsson (I'm not currently an Apache commiter so I don't know
> if this is possible)
> /niklas
> ---------------------
> Niklas Gustavsson
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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