Torsten Curdt wrote:
If you want to get rid of the of the method
lookup you do need to pass in the Runnable
also to the continueWith ...not sure if I
like that.

No, I don't think you have to. That Runnable object is a part of Continuation already. The continueWith method can look it up from there. Specifically, it already retains a reference to that object in Stack. We just need to make it explicitly accessible (instead of fiddling with references in stacks to get to it.)

I *do* think you have to :)

..think about the serialization. The continuation
OR RUNNABLE. Please check with the current implementation.
For debugging you can add logging to see what's been put
onto the stack.

Here's my reasoning. Please tell me where I made a mistake. Let's take the serialization test case as an example.

Suppose Calculator implements a Runnable and its run method is the entry point. We run Calculator and it suspends. We start the stack capturing, and when a new continuation object is returned, it contains this runnable object. You can see this in the output from XStream that I attached.

In particular, because the Runnable object invoked is always the very bottom of the stack trace, you can always access it at a top of the rstack. You are throwing it away right now, but you just need to keep it little longer. The object is also on the ostack, although this is less accessible (because it's not always on top.)

When you serialize a Continuation, therefore, the Runnable object also gets serialized. You deserialize it back, you get the Runnable object back.

So when you hit Continuation.continueWith with a deserialized Continuation object, all you need to do is just to access the top of the rstack to get the Runnable object back, then invoke its run method.

Well ...that's not the point. I really do
think you have to pass in the Runnable or
Method to "continueWith" ...if you don't have
a lookup. That's why I don't like this either:

  startWith(Runnable, ContinuationContext)
  continueWith(Runnable, Continuation, ContinuationContext)

I hope the above argument convinced you that you don't have to pass in Runnable to the continueWith method.

Or let's put this in another way. If I can successfully change the Continuation API to:

   startWith(Runnable, ContinuationContext)
   continueWith(Continuation, ContinuationContext)

and make the serialization test work, would you be willing to accept the changes? The quickest way to find out if this is doable or not is to actually do it.

Unlike Continuation, Fiber is a mutable object. It updates itself as you continue execution. That's why sometimes you want a "fork" to create an identical copy.

..that also means for persistence you would
have to serialize the Fiber object, too. Hmm...

Yes, if you choose to use a fiber, yes.

Fiber.fork doesn't deep-copy Continuation, as Continuation itself doesn't need to be copied. It's just Fiber object that needs to be copied, hence the use of clone().

Hmmm... why do you need a mutable object at all?

It's not that I want a mutable object. It's convenient to have a representation for a "thread" of execution, and such representation is going to be mutable because execution state changes as it runs.

Use in Cocoon is special in the sense that it keeps the continuation object at every yield point. Neither a workflow engine nor an agent container does this.

Sure ...but don't you think it's more important
the guts are working properly before abstracting
the further abstracting the API?

If it's not working properly, yes. I just assumed that it is working (besides the monitor issue.) Is there any other known problems?

The current BCEL one seems to be working, so it's not very high priority for me to rewrite javaflow by using ASM. Besides, I doubt if I can be of any help when it comes to porting javaflow from BCEL to ASM. That part is the guts of javaflow and it takes you to change it.

..too bad - hoped you could help me there as well :)

I saw that the instrumentation algorithm can be probably optimized (for example, no need to instrument StringBuffer.append() operation, share the stack capturing code, etc) Now that I actually saw the decompiled byte code, I'm more willing to change it than before.

Comeon's not big difference whether it's
in your codebase or inside the javaflow codebase,
isn't it?

..I am not saying "no" but "convince me" ;)

It's not a big difference, in a way, yes. But on the other hand, if none of the changes that I really care is accepted, it's very difficult for me to help.

I need your help to find the middle place we can meet. I suggested to get rid of MethodLookup in favor of Runnable, and you didn't like it. So I suggested to keep it as is and add what I wanted as another class, and you didn't like it either.

I spent time rewriting the Cocoon portion just to show you how it can be reasonably done. I think I gave a reasonable set of justifications for each proposal, like simplicity, ease of use, etc.

What do you need to be convinced of? That this is doable? Or that this is beneficial? Or is it something else?

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
      <org.apache.commons.javaflow.testcode.Calculator reference="../../ostack/org.apache.commons.javaflow.testcode.Calculator"/>
  <root reference=".."/>
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