Joerg Hohwiller wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Jörg Schaible wrote:
>> Hi James,
> Hi there,
>> can you tell me, what you are missing with proxytoys? You announced to
>> have a closer look , but did not write anything further.
> It seems to be true that proxytoys and "commons-proxy" are quite similar
> animals. The API seems to differ slightly (esp. according to the
> Invoker/MethodIntercepter)
> The important things are:
> "commons-proxy" works on a javassist implementation

Nobody provided a ProxyFactory impl based on JavaAssist for ProxyToys yet :)

> and has interesting 
> goodies for various provider stategies:
> proxytoys has interesting goodies called "toys"

Decoration is the toy for interceptors, but they don't follow AOP Alliance
(at least yet). Personally I have no experiance with AOP though.

> (btw: why do you call the methods "object" there?):

Can't say, I did not invent this ... so it's historical :)

> Maybe it would be possible to bring both together, but it may start and
> fall by the political classpath thingy. I personally would always trust
> a classpath "org.apache.commons.proxy" more thant "com.*" (even
> thoughtworks produced a lot of great stuff such as XStream).

This is not my decision, but I might address this.

> On the other hand proxytoys might already be in use so changing the
> classpath might not be an option.

but it's not 1.0 yet :)

> However this one is not up to me.

.. and not only to me, I am also not a ThoughtWorker.

- Jörg

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