The permissions on the live webserver are still wrong:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -alh | egrep '^d'
drwxrwxr-x    8 apbackup apbackup     4.0K Aug 28 08:50 .
drwxrwxr-x   28 apbackup apbackup     4.0K Aug 29 14:40 ..
drwx------    4 apbackup apbackup     4.0K Aug 28 15:50 apidocs
drwx------    4 apbackup apbackup     4.0K Aug 28 15:50 clover
drwx------    3 apbackup apbackup     4.0K Aug 28 15:50 images
drwx------    2 apbackup apbackup     4.0K Aug 28 15:50 style
drwx------    3 apbackup apbackup     4.0K Aug 28 15:50 xref
drwx------    3 apbackup apbackup     4.0K Aug 28 15:50 xref-test

I'm not too sure about the details of rsync, how it is set up between
minotaur and ajax nor how to trigger a permission update. I did 'touch' a
few directories, maybe that'll make the problem go away. I don't have karma
on ajax to chmod the files for you.

What should always work is

 rm -r /www/

On minotaur. Then, wait at least 8 hours (I think). The files should be gone
from ajax after that. Then, re-deploy the files on minotaur with a correct

I suggest you guys fix your website deployment process to ensure that any
file that is created is actually created with the correct permissions.

Oh, and response time from infrastructure can often be a week or more. We
are lacking volunteers.



On 30-08-2005 03:01, "James Carman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That trick didn't work.  Anyone else have any ideas?  I never heard anything
> back from the infrastructure team.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Carman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 9:54 AM
> To: 'Jakarta Commons Developers List'
> Subject: RE: [proxy] Site Generation Issues...
> Well, I touched all the files in
> /www/, so I hope that works.  But,
> I'm somewhat doubtful, because I completely blasted that directory's
> contents before I did the site:sshdeploy.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brett Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 9:40 AM
> To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
> Subject: Re: [proxy] Site Generation Issues...
> It looks fine when viewed directly from minotaur, it seems the
> permissions are wrong on the live webserver (which is not minotaur). IF
> the permissions were wrong before and you fixed them, maybe they weren't
> synced - try touching the directory so it is synced again.
> Failing that, I suggest sending a query to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
> dropping in to #asfinfra on
> Cheers,
> Brett
> James Carman wrote:
>> All,
>> Sorry to be such a pest, folks.  Almost everything is looking good.  I
> added
>> Proxy to the main Jakarta Commons page.  I also switched Proxy to use the
>> Jakarta Commons L&F.  The only problem I see is that any of the project
>> reports that goes into a subdirectory (clover, Javadocs, etc.), causes a
>> "403 Forbidden" error.  I would assume that the directories are not
>> readable, but how do I change them?  I looked at Commons Clazz's "apidocs"
>> directory (on and it's set up like:
>> drwxrwxr-x  4 dirkv  jakarta     512 Jan  4  2005 apidocs
>> Commons Proxy's "apidocs" directory looks like:
>> drwxrwxr-x  4 jcarman  jakarta     512 Aug 27 23:49 apidocs
>> Again, I hate to be such a bother, but I'm sure one of you guys will
>> immediately know what to do and you'll probably point me to a link on the
>> Apache site so as to say "RTFM", gracefully. :-)
>> Thanks,
>> James
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