Jacob Kjome wrote:

Can the problem be restated? Seems like this email catches the end of a conversation. What is the issue at hand?

As for TRACE, that is new to Log4j-1.2.12 and didn't exist in versions previous to it. If it doesn't exist in a 1.3 alpha binary release yet, it will. There are plans to get a new 1.3 alpha build out soon. There's been a lot of work done in the source to make 1.3 more compatible with 1.2, which wasn't the plan early on in 1.3's development. But now the thought is try to keep 1.3 as compatible with 1.2 as possible. If you are worried that the current alpha is incompatible with the 1.2.xx branch, please try building Log4j-1.3 from source and then compile against that. That will provide a much better test of JCL 1.2.xx and 1.3 compatibility.

I've written code that listens to the logger hierachy for appender addition and in that case at least writing one batch of code that is 1.2 and 1.3 compatible seems impossible -- at least without using dynamic proxies or some such, which I've not yet ventured to do.

The issue is that there are still 1.2 APIs that do not provide an equivalent based on Level or Logger and are still based on Priority and Category.

There were other issues too, but I'd figured out less ways around them. This is where I gave up.

Jess Holle

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