On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 16:56 -0400, Maciek Kolesnik wrote:
> Hi,

hi Maciek

>  I recently downloaded v0.7 of the betwixt. The tool does really a great job
> - highly customizable and easy to use.
> I do have a suggestion for a small improvement though:
> As far as I know currently it is impossible to intercept the process of
> descending into the object graph by a custom code.

that's true

i usually lean towards delegation (over inheritance) when developing
library code since i've often observed that novel use cases that require
refactoring call signature and sequences. this makes library design a
little different from the design of applications or frameworks.

> Changing signature of these 2 methods
> writeElement(...) (2 signatures)
> to protected would give me ability to suppress the descent into children
> when contextually my code determines that it does not need to go any deeper
> (optimization measure). Any other similar scheme where execution of
> writeElement(...) can be conditionally prevented could do a job too i think.

that sounds like an interesting use case :)

probably generally useful as well

> Here is how I would like to use it:
> protected void writeElement(String namespaceUri, String localName, String
> qualifiedName, ElementDescriptor elementDescriptor, Context context) throws
> IOException, SAXException, IntrospectionException {
> String currentPath = (String) BeanSerializer.PATH.get();
> try {
> BeanSerializer.PATH.set(currentPath + "/" + localName);
>   //filter the descriptor based on in-context filter spec - cached by spec
> id
> FilterSpec filterSpec = (FilterSpec)
> CallContext.getCurrentContext().getAttribute(
> FilterSpec.ATTR_XML_FILTER);
> if (filterSpec != null
> && filterSpec.isSuppressed((String)BeanSerializer.PATH.get())) {
> return;
> }
> super.writeElement(namespaceUri, localName, qualifiedName,
> elementDescriptor,
> context);
>   } finally {
> BeanSerializer.PATH.set(currentPath);
> }
> }
>   MyBeanSerializer.PATH is a ThreadLocal string that specifies current path
> (like /A/B/C/D) and my isSuppressed method compares current path with a list
> of paths to-be-suppressed.

in general, IMHO this kind of thing is usually better addressed by
another pluggable strategy (rather than subclassing). 

to create such a strategy, need to understand your use case in detail
and think about the best way to generalize it. 


- robert

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