On 10/14/05, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the response Rahul, but both Validator's ant and maven build
> work
> fine for me. The errors you're getting is probably because you don't have
> build properties set up pointing to validator's dependencies.
> After writing the above - I checked out your SCXML's build.xml - looks
> like
> you're downloading the dependencies automatically and I need to update
> validator to do the same.

That would be a good idea. It looks like I botched a change to my top-level
build.properties file ... I'll go through and try to get all the damanged
Commons projects to work correctly. Good thing we caught this today ... I'm
getting on an airplane again tomorrow (to Prague, to visit with the team
that works on NetBeans), and it's pretty difficult to work with my home
desktop (where the nightly builds run) when I'm away.

> Niall


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rahul Akolkar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2005 4:20 AM
> On 10/14/05, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Commons Validator (and others - see below) doesn't have binary versions
> of
> > the nightlies available:
> >
> > http://cvs.apache.org/builds/jakarta-commons/nightly/commons-validator/
> >
> > I assume wherever they're being built the build is failing? Are the
> nightly
> > builds still running on Craig McClanahan's machine? If not can anyone
> point
> > me in the direction of how to check/resolve this?
> <snip/>
> Having done this recently, I know that the nightlies are running on
> Craig's machine (unless this changed over the last week or two) and
> they run ant (the requirement is 'ant clean dist' should produce the
> required artifacts).
> It appears the current validator ant build file is quite out of date.
> Surprisingly, even a maven gen'd one failed to build for me.
> The results are here:
> http://people.apache.org/~rahul/validator/
> I suspect there are similar issues with the rest of the components as
> well. Abiding by the above requirement, the nightlies have worked well
> for me.
> -Rahul
> >
> > Niall
> >
> > P.S. Looks like quite a few other modules are in the same situation:
> > beanutils, cli, configuration, dbcp, digester, el, email, id, jelly,
> > logging, pipeline, pool, primitives and resources
> >
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